WhistleB News 1 Feb, 2015WhistleB partner to GAN Integrity Solutions1 Jan, 2015WhistleB Seminar “Practical experiences on whistleblowin2 Nov, 2014Miljö&Utveckling about Sustainable Profit1 Nov, 2014The CEO Magazine “VD” about Sustainable Prof2 Oct, 2014Microsoft publishes a press release about WhistleB2 Sep, 2014Interview with WhistleB in Byggindustin, a leading magazine in construction sector2 Jul, 2014Kauppalehti and Talouselämä, leading Finnish Business Papers about Cramo implementing WhistleB´s service solution.2 May, 2014Whistleblowing sees large rise in UK2 Apr, 2014The Council of Europe: Employers should encourage whistleblowing2 Mar, 2014The Economist: The most powerful weapon against fraud is a whistleblower2 Mar, 2014South China Morning Post: Whistleblowing growing in China2 Feb, 2014Increased pressure on Corporate Whistleblowing«1…1011121314» Whistleblowing system to protect your long-term success Tried-and-tested. Ready-to-launch. Learn more »