WhistleB News 11 Apr, 2019Whistleblowing builds trust according to new WhisleB’s fourth annual customer survey9 Apr, 2019Building trust through whistleblowing. From suspected to expected and protected.4 Apr, 2019How does whistleblowing work? WhistleB’s whistleblowing system guide step-by-step27 Mar, 2019WhistleB’s Customer Survey 2019 on organisational whistleblowing – Key findings21 Mar, 2019How whistleblowing benefits your organisation15 Mar, 2019French laws n° 2018-771 and n°2018-703 on sexual harassment at work – How does a whistleblower hotline help?14 Mar, 2019Combatting sexual harassment at the United Nations13 Mar, 2019WhistleB: New EU agreement provides additional protection for whistleblowers12 Mar, 2019Whistleblowing and the related whistleblower protection10 Mar, 2019The whistleblower Christopher Wylie – a new hero is born27 Feb, 2019Digital whistleblowing systems – a tool in the HR toolbox26 Feb, 2019Effective breach notification«1…45678…14» Whistleblowing system to protect your long-term success Tried-and-tested. Ready-to-launch. Learn more »